woensdag 16 mei 2012

Papier model - uitslag maken

weer zo'n boeiend artikel, met leuke plaatjes van Zach Kron.

Uiteraard maakten we al uitslagen in Revit; maar dit gaat wel héél erg mooi.

woensdag 9 mei 2012

Missende Railing Templates r2013

Missing railing templates in metric content


You have installed the Metric content for Autodesk Revit 2013 and found that you are missing two railing template files.


The two missing template files are available for download below:

Metric_Support.rft (rft - 240Kb)
Metric_Termination.rft (rft - 240Kb)


dinsdag 8 mei 2012

The BIM Evolution Continues with OPEN BIM

The BIM Evolution Continues with OPEN BIM      Draft V8 20120131                           

What is BIM?

BIM is an acronym which represents three separate but linked functions

Building Information Modelling: Is a BUSINESS PROCESS for generating and leveraging building data to design, construct and operate the building during its lifecycle. BIM allows all stakeholders to have access to the same information at the same time through interoperability between technology platforms. 


Building Information Model: Is the DIGITAL REPRESENTATION of physical and functional characteristics of a facility.  As such it serves as a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility, forming a reliable basis for decisions during its lifecycle from inception onwards.


Building Information Management: Is the ORGANIZATION & CONTROL of the business process by utilizing the information in the digital prototype to effect the sharing of information over the entire lifecycle of an asset. The benefits include centralised and visual communication, early exploration of options, sustainability, efficient design, integration of disciplines, site control, as built documentation, etc. effectively developing an asset lifecycle process and model from conception to final retirement.


What is OPEN BIM?

OPEN BIM is a universal approach to the collaborative design, realization and operation of buildings based on open standards and workflows. OPEN BIM is an initiative of buildingSMART International (bSI) and several leading software vendors using the open buildingSMART Data Model. 


Why is it important?

·       OPEN BIM supports a transparent, open workflow, allowing project members to participate regardless of the software tools they use. 

·       OPEN BIM creates a common language for widely referenced processes, allowing industry and government to procure projects with transparent commercial engagement, comparable service evaluation and assured data quality. 

·       OPEN BIM provides enduring project data for use throughout the asset lifecycle, avoiding multiple input of the same data and consequential errors.

·       Small and large (platform) software vendors can participate and compete on system independent, ‘best of breedsolutions.

·       OPEN BIM energizes the online product supply side with more exact user demand searches and delivers the product data directly into the BIM. 

OPEN BIM ExCom Agreed Description 20120131